Case No
Title of ReviewFinal Determination/
ADC 50Conclusion of Sunset Review of the Anti-Dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Polyvinyl Chloride Resin (Suspension Grade) Imported from People’s Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, Republic of Korea and Kingdom of Thailand.PDF
ADC 49Conclusion of Sunset Review of the Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Sulphonic Acid Imported from People’s Republic of China, the Republic of India, the Republic of Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Korea and Chinese Taipei.PDF
ADC 48Conclusion of Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duty Imposed on Dumped Imports of Concrete Reinforcing Deformed Steel Bars Originating in and/ or Exported from the People’s Republic of China.PDF
ADC 46Conclusion of Newcomer Review of Definitive Antidumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Polyester Filament Yarn Originating in and/or Exported from the People’s Republic of China and Malaysia.PDF
ADC 44Conclusion of Sunset Review of Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Coated Bleached Paperboard / Folding Box Paperboard with White Back from the People’s Republic of China.PDF
ADC 43Conclusion of Sunset Review and Continuation of Anti-Dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of One-Sided Coated Duplex Board- Grey Back into Pakistan Originating in and/ or Exported from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Korea.PDF
ADC 40Conclusion of Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Offset Printing Ink Originating in and/or Exported
from the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Korea.
ADC 37Conclusion of Sunset Review of the Anti-Dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Galvanized Steel Coils/Sheets of thickness ranging from 0.15 mm to 2.75 mm Imported from People’s Republic of China.PDF
ADC 36Conclusion of Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping Duty Imposed on Dumped Imports of Continuous Casting (Steel) Billets into Pakistan Originating in and/or Exported from the People’s Republic of China.PDF
ADC 35Conclusion of Sunset Review of the Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Cold Rolled Coils/Sheets Imported from People’s Republic of China and Ukraine.PDF
ADC 34Conclusion of Review of Sunset and Change of Circumstances of Anti-Dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Hydrogen Peroxide from Bangladesh.Sunset Review (PDF)

Change of Circumstances (PDF)
ADC 33Conclusion of Sunset and Changed Circumstances Reviews of Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Polyester Staple Fiber from People’s Republic of China.PDF
ADC 32Conclusion of Sunset and Changed Circumstances Review of the Anti-Dumping Duty Imposed on Dumped Imports of Sorbitol 70% Solution Originating in and/or exported from the Republic of India.PDF
ADC 22Conclusion of Sunset Review and Continuation of Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) Film Imported from China, Oman, KSA and UAE.Second Sunset Review (PDF)

ADC 20Conclusion of Sunset Review of Anti-dumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Hydrogen Peroxide Originating in and/or Exported from Belgium, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and Turkey.Second Sunset Review (PDF)

ADC 17Conclusion of Sunset Review and Termination of Definitive Antidumping Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports of Phthalic
Anhydride from Brazil, China, Indonesia, South Korea and Chinese Taipei.
ADC 16Conclusion of Sunset Review and Termination of Anti-dumping
Duties Imposed on Dumped Imports   of Secondary Quality
Tinplate from Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands and USA.
ADC 12 Investigation against  dumped imports of Poly  Staple Fiber from
the  Republic of Indonesia, the  Republic of Korea, and  the
Kingdom of Thailand.
ADC 11Investigation against dumped import of Tiles from People's
Republic of China.

ADC 09Investigation against dumped imports of Formic Acid 85% from
the Republic of Finland and the Federal Republic of Germany.
ADC 08Investigation against alleged dumping of Phthalic
Anhydridefrom the Republic of India.

ADC 07Investigation against dumped imports of  Polyester
Filament Yarn
from Republic of Indonesia , the
Republic of Korea, Malaysia and the Kingdom of Thailand.
Newcomer Review

Sunset Review

ADC 02 Investigation against dumped imports of Sorbitol 70% from
France and Indonesia.
Newcomer Review

Sunset Review

ADC 01Investigation against dumped imports of Tinplate from South