Guidelines for Filing an Anti-Dumping Exporter's Application
This questionnaire is made to enable the Commission to obtain information necessary to investigate alleged dumping.
It is in the interest of exporters to reply as accurately and completely as possible and to attach all the supporting documents as requested. If the required information is not communicated to the Commission within the time limit specified, the Commission may make its determinations on the basis of information available in accordance with the section 32 (1) of the Anti-dumping Duties Ordinance 2000. Such action will be adverse to the interests of parties who do not cooperate with the Commission do not cooperate with the Commission in providing information requested in this questionnaire and any subsequent requests for information or clarification.. If you are unable to answer any questions fully and in the format requested please describe the efforts you have made to obtain the data and why you have been unable to. You should immediately communicate to the Official in Charge if you have particular difficulties. Communications with the Officer in Charge and with the Commission in general may be oral initially, but only questions and suggestions reduced to written form will be a part of the official record on which determinations will be made. The Commission is willing to consider alternate methods of reporting provided they provide the Commission with adequate information in time to permit the timely completion of investigation and do not deprive other parties of their rights of participation.
If you have any queries about questionnaire you should contact the identified Official in Charge on the cover of this questionnaire. Within 15 days of receipt of the questionnaire.
The respondent should follow the following instructions:
Answers to the questions must follow the respective format given in the questionnaire. Please repeat the question in your response. Your response should be in paper copies and an electronic version which includes both your narrative response and appendices. You may use any commonly used computer programs and media, but must advise the Commission of the composition and layout, to enable the Commission to utilize your electronic media in its calculations.
The Declaration must be completed and signed
If you believe any information is confidential, you must clearly identify it. This can be done by placing it within brackets ([…***…]). You also must and explain why it is entitled to confidential treatment, unless the information is confidential by nature (prices of individual transactions, identity of your customers or suppliers, detailed internal cost information.). You must also provide a non-confidential summary, which will be placed in the public file of the case which may be examined and copied by other interested parties to the investigation. If there is any information which you wished treated as confidential but for which a non-confidential summary is not feasible, please place it by for example, placing it within double brackets ([[** ..]]). In this case you must explain why the information is not susceptible to summary. Failure to supply a non-confidential summary of confidential information or to justify why it is not capable of summarization will lead the Commission to disregard the information altogether. As noted above, this will force the Commission to use information otherwise available in making its determinations, which may be adverse to your interests.
All worksheets and documents compiled to answer the questionnaire, in particular those linking the information supplied with management records and audited or unaudited accounts, must be retained for inspection. Also, note that you will be asked in several places to provide worksheets to illustrate your calculation methodology for portions of your response. The same requirements for the rest of your response apply to worksheets submitted.
The pages of the answer to the questionnaire should be consecutively numbered including those of appendices.
Your response to this questionnaire should be in English. Any source material that you provide with your response must be accompanied by a translation in English sufficient to allow its understanding. Failure to do so may preclude the Commission from considering the information.